Nominations for 2014 Board of Directors Elections

CDR Members,

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2014 CDR Board of Directors Elections.

Two positions will be available for election or re-election this year.

Board members serve for a period of two years, and must be available to attend monthly business meetings and communicate regularly via e-mail or telephone.

The board of directors serves as the governing body for the region who's purpose is to plan and execute region activities and pursue long term goals.

Nominating Rules:

- Nominations must be e-mailed to the Membership Chair, Chad Lipscomb,

Include contact information for the nominee.

- Nominees' region of record must be Continental Divide Region.

- Any member in good standing (dues paid) may nominate themselves.

- Any member in good standing may nominate another member in good standing.

- There is no limit on the number of individuals a member may nominate.

- Members nominated by another member will be notified by the election committee of their nomination.

Nominees will have the opportunity to accept or decline the nomination.

- Nominees who accept their nomination must submit a biography (one page or less) to the election committee.

- Ballots will be mailed to members and shall be counted at the CDR annual meeting (time and location TBD.)

In addition to the elected positions on the board, members are being sought to assume the appointed positions of Treasurer and Club Racing Chair.
Contact the Regional Executive if you are interested in volunteering for these positions or desire more information about them.
